Our accredited training programme is kindly sponsored by Witley Jones.
The BSA’s programme of professional development and training is the most comprehensive CPD package offered to staff in boarding schools. It includes a series of professional practice Certificate courses specifically designed to meet the practical needs of boarding staff and provide an internationally-recognised qualification in boarding education.
The BSA Advanced Certificate has been some of the best training I’ve ever done, I will genuinely miss the study days!
SACPA Advanced Certificate in Child Safeguarding Practice: option 1
We offer a self-funding route for all courses. We can arrange payment plans for manageable monthly amounts to make training accessible and affordable. To find out more, please e-mail Liz McDonald at liz.mcdonald@bsagroup.org.uk
New 24/25 course dates added!
TheSACPA Advanced Certificate in Child Safeguarding Practice is a certificate programme for safeguarding managers and leads, heads of safeguarding, safeguarding hub managers and co-ordinators. It has been developed to support safeguarding colleagues from a diversity of sectors to supplement and extend designated safeguarding lead training. This programme may also support the safeguarding practice of behaviour leads, SENCO’s, pastoral support leaders and Designated Teachers for Looked After Children.
Key areas of contemporary safeguarding practice are explored in depth with particular attention to their application to leadership and management of safeguarding, interface with governors, trustees and board members responsible for oversight and scrutiny and the multi-agency safeguarding system beyond.
SACPA Certificate in Child Safeguarding Practice – Option 1
Study Day 1: December 1st, 2025
Study Day 2: January 22nd, 2026
Study Day 3: March 26th, 2026
Study Day 4: June 11th, 2026
All Study Days will be held online via Zoom.
Timings: 10:00-15:30 GMT/BST
Course Outline for Option 1
Safeguarding through the lens of Child/Student Voice
Contextual safeguarding, Child-on-Child, Exploitation and Radicalisation
The aims of the SACPA Advanced Certificate course are to:
Provide development for safeguarding leads to explore beyond Designated Safeguarding Lead Training
Focus on specific contemporary safeguarding subjects and developments
Support management and leadership of safeguarding, bridging the gap between operational delivery, the provision of management information to support strategic planning, oversight and working in partnership with trustees and governance bodies and local safeguarding partners
Increase confidence and competence through opportunities to study and develop expertise in specific areas of professional interest
Enhance a professional career path in safeguarding and to provide SACPA recognition of your achievement and successful completion of the course
To contribute to improved practice and raising standards within the safeguarding setting
Foster reflection and critical evaluation of safeguarding practice and professional issues, and to provide opportunities to share experience and good practice with colleagues.
How is the course organised?
The course is organised around a combination of four intensive on-line study days which contain a variety of teaching methods and opportunities to learn in different ways, which include short lectures, presentations and discussions led by students, together with group problem solving exercises and case studies.
Group discussion is a particularly important aspect of this course, enabling delegates to look at the theory in light of their own practical experience. Students will be encouraged to contribute ideas, opinions and questions, taking responsibility for their own learning, whilst contributing to the learning of the group as a whole.
The course is run by senior members of the SACPA staff. Each delegate will have an experienced SACPA Tutor who attends the study days.
Course Assessment
Delegates may choose assessment via portfolio or assignment.
Course Lead: Claire Dan
Claire is Director of Safeguarding and Director, Sacpa and leads on the provision of safeguarding advice and support to members and the development and delivery of CPD and safeguarding consultancy services. Claire is a safeguarding specialist and leader with a background in education welfare, youth justice, and early help contexts which have involved a strong focus on diverse and collaborative partnerships, professional development and supervision of front-line safeguarding colleagues, and leading multi-disciplinary teams and projects. Between 2006 and 2013 Claire was involved with Luton Safeguarding Children Board as a lead multi-agency safeguarding trainer, developing and delivering single and multi-agency safeguarding training, and since 2013 has delivered pieces of bespoke consultancy work, and providing a range of safeguarding consultancy on a freelance basis.
Dale Wilkins : Senior Director BSA Group
Dale Wilkins spent 31 years working in schools, mainly in residential education, of which eleven years were as safeguarding lead. He has also had safeguarding responsibilities in youth group, sports and church settings, was a multi-agency safeguarding trainer for Dudley Safeguarding Children Board and has completed an extensive “Train the Trainer” course with NSPCC. In September 2017 he took over safeguarding responsibilities at BSA, and subsequently BSA Group and Sacpa. HE also gave evidence to the IICSA inquiry on behalf of BSA.
Nikki Holmes : Safer Together
Contextual Safeguarding and Exploitation
Nikki has served as a police officer, been a service manager for a young person’ substance misuse service, is an experienced Children’s Services Inspector for the CQC, and more recently launched her own consultancy Safer Together www.safer-together.co.uk, which is a proud member of the WeProtect Global Alliance.
An expert in safeguarding with expertise and extensive experience of working in the fields of Child Exploitation, County Lines and Modern Slavery, Nikki now provides independent consultancy and training to a range of organisations including the NHS and Local Authorities.
Nikki is also a guest lecturer, a public speaker and an independent author of Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews.
Dez Holmes : Director, Research in Practice Dez Holmes is the Director of Research in Practice, a not-for-profit organisation that since 1996 has been supporting those who work with children, families and adults to use evidence
in their practice and leadership. Dez has several years’ experience of training and workforce and leadership development; she is the Programme Director for the Practice Supervisor Development Programme. Her practice experience is largely within youth offending services and early help. She is particularly interested in adolescence, transitions, risk and participatory practice; Dez has led Research in Practice’s work on Adolescent / Transitional Safeguarding; she is the Programme Director for the Tackling Child Exploitation Programme and also chairs the Contextual Safeguarding UK Advisory GroupReflective session for safeguarding leaders: child exploitation and extra-familial harm – including transition to adulthood – focus on the importance of child’s voice and participation Find out more about Dez Holmes Publications here
Philip Baines : Safeguarding and Training Consultant
Philip was a Detective having spent 30 years in the police. The last 14 years of his police service was in the Child Abuse Investigation Unit (CAIU). He is also qualified as the following:
Family Liaison Officer (FLO)
Disaster Victim Identification Officer (DVI)
Significant Witness interviewer (Sig Wit)
Enhanced Cognitive Witness Interviewer
Domestic Abuse Officer
PIP Level 2 investigator
Achieving Best Evidence (ABE- VRI vulnerable and intimidated witness interviewer)
Specialist Child Abuse Investigative Development Programme (SCAIDP)
Joint Investigator – Section 47 Children Act ‘89
Philip was also seconded to the Training Department for 2 years, where he received qualifications in training and delivered all these subjects, including Harmful Sexual Behaviours (HSB). Philip is a qualified AIM3 Assessor of children displaying HSB. Philip also quality assured the Home Office Harmful Sexual Behaviours Support Service (HSBSS) where he oversaw and triaged all the requests for support and advised personally on all the complex cases. Philip supports survivors and families who have been victim of all types of abuse, including technology assisted child sexual abuse (TACSA) through his work as a consultant for the Marie Collins Foundation.
NB: Please be aware that it is crucial to remain on your assigned course path and tutor group to gain the very best out of your training. Of course, we understand some things are unavoidable however we cannot guarantee alternative placement days, and this may incur an admin charge
SACPA Advanced Certificate in Child Safeguarding Practice: option 2
We offer a self-funding route for all courses. We can arrange payment plans for manageable monthly amounts to make training accessible and affordable. To find out more, please e-mail Liz McDonald at liz.mcdonald@bsagroup.org.uk
New 24/25 course dates added!
TheSACPA Advanced Certificate in Child Safeguarding Practice is a certificate programme for safeguarding managers and leads, heads of safeguarding, safeguarding hub managers and co-ordinators. It has been developed to support safeguarding colleagues from a diversity of sectors to supplement and extend designated safeguarding lead training. This programme may also support the safeguarding practice of behaviour leads, SENCO’s, pastoral support leaders and Designated Teachers for Looked After Children.
Key areas of contemporary safeguarding practice are explored in depth with particular attention to their application to leadership and management of safeguarding, interface with governors, trustees and board members responsible for oversight and scrutiny and the multi-agency safeguarding system beyond.
SACPA Certificate in Child Safeguarding Practice – Option 2
The aims of the SACPA Advanced Certificate course are to:
Provide development for safeguarding leads to explore beyond Designated Safeguarding Lead Training
Focus on specific contemporary safeguarding subjects and developments
Support management and leadership of safeguarding, bridging the gap between operational delivery, the provision of management information to support strategic planning, oversight and working in partnership with trustees and governance bodies and local safeguarding partners
Increase confidence and competence through opportunities to study and develop expertise in specific areas of professional interest
Enhance a professional career path in safeguarding and to provide SACPA recognition of your achievement and successful completion of the course
To contribute to improved practice and raising standards within the safeguarding setting
Foster reflection and critical evaluation of safeguarding practice and professional issues, and to provide opportunities to share experience and good practice with colleagues.
How is the course organised?
The course is organised around a combination of four intensive on-line study days which contain a variety of teaching methods and opportunities to learn in different ways, which include short lectures, presentations and discussions led by students, together with group problem solving exercises and case studies.
Group discussion is a particularly important aspect of this course, enabling delegates to look at the theory in light of their own practical experience. Students will be encouraged to contribute ideas, opinions and questions, taking responsibility for their own learning, whilst contributing to the learning of the group as a whole.
The course is run by senior members of the SACPA staff. Each delegate will have an experienced SACPA Tutor who attends the study days.
Course Assessment
Delegates may choose assessment via portfolio or assignment.
Maria Putz : Interim Head of Training (Sexual Violence and Safeguarding)
Maria joined LimeCulture in January 2019 as one of the Training Managers. Maria has been involved in the development and delivery of Preventing Sexual Misconduct Education (PSME) and the Sexual Misconduct Liaison Officer (SMLO) Model helping schools and colleges to create a whole school approach in their prevention and response to sexual misconduct. Maria has also presented nationally and internationally with a focus on healthy relationships and safeguarding in sport. Maria is committed to improving services for those affected by Sexual Violence through building knowledge, confidence and skills in frontline workers.
Most recently Maria has become the interim Head of Training leading in the development and delivery of training for LimeCulture in their Sexual Violence, Safeguarding, Education and University work.
Prior to joining the LimeCulture Team she was a specialist-safeguarding nurse for the largest children’s hospital in the UK. She has also worked as an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) and a Crisis Worker at a Sexual Assault Referral Centre.
Karl Hopwood : E-Safety Expert
Karl Hopwood is an esafety expert. He is a member of UKCCIS (UK Council for Child Internet Safety) and sits on the advisory board for the new UK Safer Internet Centre. Karl has worked for a number of key players in the UK and abroad including CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), BECTA (British Educational and Communications Technology Agency), the European Commission and several Local Authorities within the UK. As an ex headteacher, he continues to work closely with children, young people, parents and teachers to develop safer online behaviours and the promotion of digital literacy. Karl works closely with the Boarding Schools’ Association and supports many of their schools. He is also an in-house consultant for INSAFE which is the coordinating node of the EU safer internet programme.
Marcus Erooga : Independent Safeguarding Consultant
Marcus is an independent safeguarding and sexual abuse Consultant, Researcher & Trainer. From 1999-2018 he was a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Huddersfield Centre for Applied Childhood, Youth and Family Studies. He spent the majority of his employed career in various positions at the NSPCC, as a practitioner, team manager and Assistant Director for service delivery as well as service and policy development roles relating to child sexual abuse and sexual offending.
He has authored or edited some 80 publications on child abuse and sex offender related issues. Most recently this work has focused on organisational safeguarding. In 2016 he co-authored a review of the literature on organisational risk & protective factors for the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse as well as being Expert Witness on grooming in a Royal Commission Case Study. He is an Expert Witness for the IICSA (the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) Residential Schools inquiry.
As an independent consultant Marcus regularly trains and presents based on his research and undertakes safeguarding work including audits & reviews for a range of organisations. Marcus is a past Editor in Chief of the Journal of Sexual Aggression and a past Chair of NOTA (the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abuse) and is now a NOTA Fellow.
NB: Please be aware that it is crucial to remain on your assigned course path and tutor group to gain the very best out of your training. Of course, we understand some things are unavoidable however we cannot guarantee alternative placement days, and this may incur an admin charge