Sacpa cpd

Safeguarding supervision

Supervision aims to provide a safe, reflective and scheduled setting which provides a confidential and supportive opportunity to consider working practice and responses to scenarios and experiences.

Effective supervision supports staff wellbeing, performance and effectiveness whilst promoting best practice, and routine self-reflection and self-improvement. Through the opportunity to reflect and process, supervision promotes effective safeguarding within an organisation.

Supervision should run parallel to professional CPD opportunities, staff appraisal, and wider policies relating to safeguarding, behaviour and wellbeing.

Sacpa supervision is delivered through regular, recorded one-to-one meetings conducted virtually. Sacpa typically offers a one-off introductory session lasting two hours, followed by a termly, one-hour session.

It is important for supervision to promote positive working practice; openness, respect for colleagues and other parties, the confidence to challenge views and poor practice. Therefore it is important that supervisor and supervisee feel that they are a good fit for one another and that professional trust and respect exists both ways. It is also important that the supervision is supported within the organisation, and that the organisation agrees to facilitate time for the sessions and any preparation required.

Supervision is personal and confidential. The main task of supervision is to navigate focus on quality, accountability and decision making. This typically includes a regular ‘check in’ on wellbeing, considering previously agreed actions, recent practice and experience, specific responsibilities, working within a team/organisation, reflection on decisions made, and training and development considerations. Successful supervision will empower, motivate and increase work satisfaction with the primary focus being on how actions and decisions will affect the supervisee in their role.

An annual contract between a Sacpa supervisor and supervisee typically includes 1x 2hr introductory session and 2x 1hr follow-up sessions. After the first year, an annual contract would normally feature 3x 1hr sessions. However, contracts can be tailored depending on your own individual needs and requirements.

Prices are available on application – for more information on safeguarding supervision from Sacpa, including costs, please fill in the form below or email us at



Sacpa Contact Form


*The rates above are for staff working in Sacpa member organisations. We recommend Sacpa membership to any organisation considering Sacpa supervision, not least because the 25% member discount on the rates usually covers annual membership for the organisation, but membership also provides access for your staff to online resources, regular and current CPD opportunities and access to a network of safeguarding practitioners who can be engaged with via our 24/7 online forum, but also our regular virtual sector forums and informal virtual coffee catch-ups.