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Sacpa annual safeguarding conference

Thursday 12 November,10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

We hope you are able to join us for the BSA Group’s annual safeguarding conference, focusing on the latest trends and headlines in safeguarding and child protection.

Running for the fourth consecutive year, this conference highlights the importance and increasing relevance of safeguarding and child protection in the delivery of care and support of young people.


Programme topics:

  • Updates to guidance and KCSIE 2020
    2020 has been a particularly challenging year for all aspects of safeguarding. The panellists will explore the latest safeguarding guidance, updates and legal considerations
  • Lessons learned: abuse in residential schools
    Dealing appropriately and sympathetically with allegations of both recent and non-recent abuse is a challenging scenario for any safeguarding practitioner. Sophie shares her insights of how to approach these situations
  • LGBT+ and safeguarding
    Renowned expert Dr Elly Barnes will focus with delegates on the safeguarding concerns around supporting young people and the wider LGBT+ community
  • Spotlight on Grooming
    Our expert panel considers all aspects of Grooming, both of the child and of the adults working with children. The session will explore related trends such as sextortion and the importance of awareness of grooming patters and responding to concerns
  • Diversity and inclusion: a safeguarding perspective
    Popular safeguarding consultant Ann Marie Christian challenges us to see the safeguarding world from the perspective of a more diverse range of backgrounds and encourages delegates out of their traditional mindset.



  • Member rate: ÂŁ175
  • Non-member rate: ÂŁ350*
*If you would like to become a member and access discounted rates for Sacpa CPD and events, please click here.


Ann Marie Christian, Child 1st Consultancy

Anne Marie Christian, Child 1st Consultancy gives a talk to staff at a school in Wimbledon teaching H&S and how to safeguard their pupils and how to safeguard yourself and not be vulnerable.

Ann Marie helps schools, organisations, charities, churches and childcare settings in understanding their statutory duty and responsibility in keeping children safe.

She set up Child 1st Consultancy Limited in 2010 after working for the local authority in front line child protection since 1996. She worked in partnership with colleagues in various settings and understood their challenges in working with child protection and chose to support them in offering bespoke intense support via training and consultancy.

Ann Marie delivers work as an associate with ISI Consultancy, The Boarding Schools’ Association, NSPCC, IAPS, AEGIS, The Key, Smoothwall, Independent School Portal, The DRB Group, Chapel Street Trust, Headteachers Update and many more.


Speaker: Marcus Erooga, Safeguarding and sexual abuse consultant, researchers and trainer

Marcus EroogaMarcus is an independent Safeguarding Consultant and past Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor of the Journal of Sexual Aggression (Taylor and Francis) as well as a past Chair of NOTA (the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers).

He has spent the majority of his employed career in various roles at the NSPCC as a practitioner, team manager and operational Assistant Director as well as service, practice and policy development relating to child sexual abuse and sexual offending.



Speaker: Chief Constable Simon Bailey, National Police Chiefs’ Council lead on child protection

Simon BaileySimon Robert Bailey QPM is a senior British police officer. Since 2013, he has been the Chief Constable of the Norfolk Constabulary. Bailey is also the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead on child protection.

In January 2016, he was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service.



Speaker: Karl Hopwood, Independent esafety expert, UK Safer Internet Centre advisory board, Sacpa advisory board

Karl is an independent esafety expert. He is a member of UKCCIS (UK Council for Child Internet Safety) and sits on the UKCCIS evidence group and education working group as well as on the advisory board for the UK Safer Internet Centre, the education advisory board for CEOP and Sacpa’s Advisory Board. He also sits on Twitter’s trust and safety council where he represents the Insafe network.

Karl has worked for a number of key players in the UK and abroad including CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), BECTA (British Educational and Communications Technology Agency), the European Commission, the UN and several Local Authorities within the UK and in Europe. As an ex-primary headteacher, he continues to work closely in schools across Europe with children, young people, parents and teachers to develop safer online behaviours and the promotion of digital literacy.

Karl has been employed for the last 13 years as an in-house consultant for INSAFE which is the coordinating node of the EU Better Internet for Kids programme where he is responsible for the coordination of safer internet helplines across Europe.


Speaker: Dr Elly Barnes, CEO, Educate and Celebrate

Elly BarnesElly Barnes MBE (born 1971 in Leicestershire) is the Founder and Chief Executive of the charity Educate & Celebrate, She was voted Number 1 in the Independent on Sunday’s Pink List in 2011 (now the Rainbow List), and was a judge in 2012.

Elly Barnes was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire in 2016 for her contribution to education, equality and diversity. She also received her honorary doctorate from the University of Aberdeen in November 2016 and won the Activist of the Year 2018 award from Diva Magazine.

Elly has formed a close partnership with Goldsmiths University of London and together with Dr Anna Carlile wrote a book of all the research from the Educate & Celebrate Programme released in March 2018 called How To Transform Your School into An LGBT+Friendly Place: A Practical Guide for nursery, primary and secondary teachers.


Speaker: Sophie Rees, HR Director, St Pauls’ School

Sophie ReesSophie is a CIPD qualified Human Resources Professional with 23 years’ experience at both strategic and operational level.

Educated to train and accredited by the Safer Recruitment Consortium, Sophie is passionate about delivering high quality, practical and relevant safeguarding focused training.

Currently working as the HR Director at St Paul’s School, Sophie is a member of the School’s Executive and Safeguarding teams with operational responsibility for recruitment, vetting checks and the maintenance of the Single Central Register.


Speaker: Dr Steve Bailey, Chair, Sacpa

Steve BaileySteve is Chair of the Sacpa Advisory Board. Having lived and breathed safeguarding throughout his career, Steve’s role is pivotal in the association as he strives to drive up standards for child protection and safeguarding for vulnerable adults.

Former headmaster at Twyford School, an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 3-13, he is independent education lead on the Hampshire Safeguarding Children partnership and is also a member of the Boarding Schools’ Association Safeguarding forum.

Prior to joining Twyford, Steve taught at Winchester College for 28 years, where he was Senior Housemaster and Designated Safeguarding Lead. Steve, who is an ISI boarding and team inspector, is safeguarding governor of a comprehensive school in Winchester, as well as being on the governing body of two preparatory boarding schools.


Speaker: Dale Wilkins, Director of Safeguarding, Standards and Training, BSA

Dale is a child protection specialist, with over 30 years’ experience working in the education sector.

He is currently the Director of Safeguarding, Standards and Training for the Boarding Schools’ Association, is accredited by the NSPCC, having completed their ‘Training for trainers in child protection’ and his work includes liaising with government bodies on behalf of the sector as well as delivering child protection CPD to schools.

Dale has also been a multi-agency safeguarding trainer for Dudley Safeguarding Children Board.




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If yes, please select membership type. If you are not a Sacpa member, please note that we will require payment to complete your booking for this event beforehand. The non-member rate for this event is ÂŁ370.
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Thursday 12 November
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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Virtual – Zoom
United Kingdom


The Safeguarding and Child Protection Association
+44 (0)207 798 1585
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