SACPA/BSA/BAISIS – Safeguarding considerations for summer school teams
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: This seminar, designed specifically for summer school staff working with international students, will equip you with the essential knowledge and tools to create a safe and inclusive environment...
SACPA/BSA – Working with Affluent Families: when neglect becomes a concern
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: The phrase ‘affluent neglect’ presents something of a perceived oxymoron. If there is affluence, how can there also be neglect? Sadly, affluent neglect is a real issue and...
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: This half day interactive online seminar is led by sexual violence expert Maria Pulz. The seminar will introduce the scope and prevalence of sexual violence and misconduct among...
SACPA/BSA Harmful behaviour risk assessments
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: Settings have been required to complete risk assessments for many years, often for events or school trips. They have recently been encouraged to take a risk assessment view...
An Introduction to Safeguarding Level 2 Certificate
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: Updated for Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024. A level 2 certificate of attendance is available. This training is a vital safeguarding refresher for those working with...
Sextortion: lessons from the casefiles
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: The NCA and CEOP report significant increases in children and young people being forced to meet financial demands after being threatened with the release of nudes or semi-nudes,...
Applying the new Information Sharing Guidance
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: The new government advice for safeguarding practitioners on information sharing reframes the 7 golden rules and shifts the focus of information sharing from consent to legal basis. This...
SACPA/BSA/BAISIS – Safeguarding considerations for summer school teams
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: This seminar, designed specifically for summer school staff working with international students, will equip you with the essential knowledge and tools to create a safe and inclusive environment...
An Introduction to Safeguarding Level 2 Certificate
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: Updated for Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024. A level 2 certificate of attendance is available. This training is a vital safeguarding refresher for those working with...
SACPA/BSA Harmful behaviour risk assessments
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: Settings have been required to complete risk assessments for many years, often for events or school trips. They have recently been encouraged to take a risk assessment view...
SACPA/BSA – Working with Affluent Families: when neglect becomes a concern
Virtual - Zoom , United KingdomCourse outline: The phrase ‘affluent neglect’ presents something of a perceived oxymoron. If there is affluence, how can there also be neglect? Sadly, affluent neglect is a real issue and...