

Gas engineers to be trained to spot signs of child abuse on call outs

31st July 2023

A leading child protection charity has joined forces with gas distribution networks to train workers to spot signs of child abuse and neglect during home visits. The NSPCC’s It’s Your…

Findings of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry will be key to whether ‘mandatory reporting’ is introduced

31st July 2023

On the face of it, introducing mandatory reporting for child sexual abuse seems obvious. After all, how could anyone be against alerting the authorities to such horrific crimes against vulnerable…

Engineers and gas employees trained to spot signs of abuse on home visits

28th July 2023

Thousands of engineers and gas employees are to be given training to recognise signs of abuse and neglect so they can identify children at risk while they are working. More…

Safeguarding donation value for faith-based organisations

28th July 2023

FAITH-based organisations have historically relied heavily on cash donations from worshippers and while a proportion of regular attendees and community members have transitioned to direct debits and standing orders, the…

Safeguarding job round up – July 28, 2023

28th July 2023

Welcome to this week’s jobs round-up, where you can view some of the job vacancies currently available in the world of safeguarding. Below are a selection of jobs which will…

‘Wake-up call’ as report lays bare devastating impact of poverty on health in County Durham and Tees Valley

27th July 2023

A shocking new report has laid bare how children in County Durham and the Tees Valley are much more likely to be admitted to A&E, child poverty rates have rocketed and almost…

More at-risk students to benefit from uplift scheme

27th July 2023

About 13,000 students will benefit when the scheme is expanded, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong yesterday. It is part of efforts aimed at closing the gaps that children from…

All state schools in England to have defibrillator after work of Oliver King Foundation

27th July 2023

All state schools in England now have access to a potentially life-saving defibrillator, thanks to a campaign by a bereaved dad. Oliver King, 12, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest at…

Safeguarding news round-up – July 27, 2023

27th July 2023

    Safeguarding A weekly media round-up of news, views and comment   Wednesday, 26th July 2023   SAFEGUARDING Keegan admits transgender guidance for schools delayed Gillian Keegan has admitted…


26th July 2023

Play safe – Online  At the FA our approach to safeguarding – and our responsibility to keep children safe – applies to the online environment as much as to the…