

Rosie Duffield: Schools are failing in their duty to protect gender-distressed children

31st March 2023

It is universally accepted that safeguarding is fundamental to a responsible society. These principles are well-established, enshrined in law, and applicable to all organisations and functions relating to children. There…

Scottish badminton star sent vile death and rape threats by gamblers who lost money

31st March 2023

Scots badminton talent Kirsty Gilmour has been on the receiving end of a vile death and rape threat after losing a match, she revealed. The Olympic star was sent the malicious communication…

Shouting at young children increases their risk of mental health problems by 50pc, study finds

31st March 2023

The adage “spare the rod, spoil the child” has been deemed inappropriate for decades, but a new study has shown just how damaging a harsh upbringing really can be. Physically…

Majority of public want children in England to have same protection from assault as adults

31st March 2023

We’re calling on the Westminster Government to give children in England equal protection from assault by scrapping the defence of ‘reasonable chastisement’. Our call to action comes on the one-year…

Safeguarding jobs round up – March 31, 2023

31st March 2023

Welcome to this week’s jobs round-up, where you can view some of the job vacancies currently available in the world of safeguarding. Below are a selection of jobs which will…

Somerset woman forcibly adopted calls for government apology

30th March 2023

A woman who was forcibly adopted at seven days old in 1971 has asked the government for an apology. Vicki Fielder from Over Stowey, Somerset, says her mother was forced…

I lost my son to a gambling addiction. Firms must change, not pay fines that are dwarfed by profits

30th March 2023

Source: The Guardian My wonderful son Jack took his life in 2017 after he had been drawn into a gambling addiction. Soon afterwards, I visited William Hill’s London office with…

Children’s advocate needed in Online Safety Bill, charities urge

29th March 2023

Youngsters need an independent online advocate who would act like a consumer watchdog to promote and protect their interests, five of Britain’s leading children’s charities have urged the Government. They…

Chilling map shows England and Wales areas police most likely to strip search children

29th March 2023

Almost 3,000 children in England and Wales have been strip-searched by police in the past four years – a quarter of whom were aged between 10 and 15. A report…

I’ve seen abusers use family courts to control and torment victims – but change is coming

29th March 2023

Source: The Guardian A pilot scheme is inviting journalists into England and Wales’s most private courtrooms. This can expose those who use litigation as a weapon Charlotte Proudman is a…