
child protection

Safer Recruitment Training

5th October 2020

Safer Recruitment Training This course is suitable for staff in the role of designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL) as well as members of management teams…

DSL Training

5th October 2020

DSL Training This course is suitable for staff in the role of designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL). The training will enable you to meet statutory…

Safer Recruitment training

2nd October 2020

Safer Recruitment Training This course is suitable for staff in the role of designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL) as well as members of management teams…

Safeguarding international students

28th September 2020

It has always been understood that children who travel great distances from their homes for their education are vulnerable and merit specific thought when developing safeguarding and child protection policies…

Webinar: What’s new – Drugs and alcohol

6th August 2020

This webinar will take a look at drug and alcohol use among young people, highlighting current trends in substances and how they are being used. Among the topics covered will…

Webinar: what’s new – Gaming

27th July 2020

This webinar aims to help delegates identify signs of problematic gaming, including addiction, gambling, the dark web, education issues, vulnerable young people and how we can safeguard and protect most…

Webinar: there’s more to saying ‘NO’ – refusal strategies

27th July 2020

This webinar will explore the complex dynamics at work in decision-making during adolescence, what motivates students to say yes, and what sometimes impedes their ability to say no when they…

Webinar: making the most of professional supervision

27th July 2020

Professional supervision is an important part of supporting staff, and monitoring effectiveness. Fulfilling a role that includes Safeguarding requirements and responsibilities, like DSL/DDSL, Safeguarding Manager, can be stressful, pressured, and…

Webinar: professional abuse in schools – trends and implications for practice

21st July 2020

It is essential that those who hold responsibility for protecting children in schools and / or as case managers are aware of the broad range of behaviours that fall under…

Webinar: What’s new – Online safety update

21st July 2020

More and more of our dealings with people, businesses, even education now takes place online. With that in mind, staying current with what’s new online, especially for children and teens,…